The three weeks between Shiva Asar Bitamuz and Tisha be’Av are days set aside in the Jewish calendar specifically to mourn the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash. As our hearts grieve and ache for our loss, what better time to actively work on rebuilding it?

For the last four years, Yeshivat Har Habayit, under the leadership of the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Eliyahu Weber Shlit”a, has been ascending the Temple Mount every morning. The Yeshiva davens Shacharis there and the Rosh Yeshiva delivers a Daf Yomi Shiur on the Har.

This year, with the express goal of increasing the presence of Torah and Tefilla on the Har, Kollel Drishat Tzion was founded, under the leadership of Rav Elisha Wolfson, Shlit”a. The Avreichim of the Kollel ascended the Temple mount every day for Mincha and delivered Divrei Torah to the visitors. Their dedication was truly remarkable as the Kollel did not miss a day, even ascending during the Coronavirus lockdowns, sometimes being the only presence on the Har! Recently, the Kollel began ascending in the mornings as well, and in addition to davening Shacharis, the Rosh Kollel delivers an advanced 45-minute Shiur on Hilchos Shabbot on the Har.

As many of the recent visitors to Har Habayit can attest, the daily ascent of the Yeshiva and Kollel has actively contributed to the many changes in religious freedoms enjoyed by Jews on the Har Habayit today. While in the past one could be arrested by the Israeli police for mumbling prayers on the Har, now full Minyanim are davening with Kaddish, Kedusha, and Chazaras Hashatz

In addition, the presence of the Yeshiva and Kollel greatly enhance the sanctity of the Har Habayit as there are now always Talmidei Chachamim at the entrance and this helps minimize the Chillul Hamakom. The Avreichim help visitors recognize the sanctity of the place and inform and educate visitors on the various Halachot that one must follow and prepare before ascending this holiest site. Yeshivat har Habayit also arranges light refreshments for the many visitors to the Har Habayit and creates a warm and sacred atmosphere on the ascent to the mountain.

Our goal for this year is that the Yeshiva and Kollel Avreichim will be able to learn and daven on the Har Habayit during all opening hours. However, we can’t do it alone. We need your help and support to raise the voice of the Torah and Tefilla on the Temple Mount.

Strengthen those that ascend to the Har Habayit in purity and in accordance with Halacha!

Double the number of visitors to the Har Habayit!

Help us spread the importance of Aliyat Har Habayit to all Jews!

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