My name is Yaakov Kreshevski, my father Reb Yitzchok has a serious heart condition and suffers from Atrial Fibrillation with a high risk of a sudden stroke, and if we don’t come up with the fund for the procedures needed, it would be bad news!
We are a family of 14 with 8 kids unmarried, and we are all begging you to open your generous hearts and help our dear father have a chance!
Help us pay the endless bills so we can get through this!
Recently, my father was hospitalized many times, and every time we all separate with tears not knowing if this will be the last time we’ll see our father!
With Hashems help we can help him! We can get him the care that would save his life!
Help him live so we don’t end up orphans!

I am turning to you with a plead to help and donate $140 so we can reach the $70,000 goal, in order to grant life to my father.

I am turning to you with a plead to help and donate $140 so we can reach the $70,000 goal, in order to grant life to my father

Send us a message

For campaign: KEREN KRISHEVSKI FAMILY #10115-31

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